Is there any harm in drinking fruit juices rather than eating the whole fruit? Fruits contain fiber which slows down the breakdown and absorption of fructose thus reducing the spike in blood sugar levels that occur with juice intake, especially when more than 3 or 4 ounces are quickly consumed. Although 100% fruit juice may contain as much sugar as some regular sugared soft drinks, it provides important vitamins, nutrients and beneficial plant chemicals (especially when freshly made as opposed to that found in cans and bottles). My review of the current research leads me to conclude that there is no definitive harm to consuming reasonable amounts of fruit juices in healthy children and adults, aside from the increased risk of tooth decay and small amounts of weight gain. The same cannot be said about those who are prone to high blood sugar or have diabetes. I would, in these cases, suggest eating the whole fruit.
Eating Fruit Versus Drinking the Juice
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