On your first day start with 2 capsules in the morning on an empty stomach about 20 minutes to an hour before breakfast. On subsequent days you can increase your dosage to 3 or 4 capsules depending on your response. The third and fourth capsules may be taken before lunch, or the third capsule can be used before lunch and the fourth in mid to late afternoon. You will find that Diet Rx will give you a slight to moderate energy boost which you can use to take a good 20 minute to an hour walk each day.
Those who have used Diet Rx report that they feel full eating less food. If you try Diet Rx, I hope you get the same benefits as most of the other users. I have tried Diet Rx this past week and have noticed that I am eating 20 to 30 percent less each day. If you plan to use Diet Rx, try not to mix it with too

If you get hungry between meals, choose a healthy snack.