Dr. G. Paul Amminger of The University of Melbourne in Australia randomly assigned 81 at-risk individuals, 13 to 25 years old, to take 1.2 grams a day of omega-3s in fish oil capsule form or a placebo for 12 weeks and then followed them for another 40 weeks. He included people who met at least one of the following three criteria: having low-level psychotic symptoms; having transient psychotic symptoms; or having a schizophrenia-like personality disorder or a close relative with schizophrenia, along with a sharp decline in mental function within the past year. At one year, 5 percent of the study participants taking omega-3s had developed a psychotic disorder, compared to 28 percent of those on placebo. People taking fish oil also showed significant reductions in their psychotic symptoms and improvements in function. See http://www.raysahelian.com/fishoils.html
Fish oil reduces schizophrenia or psychosis risk?
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